2008年10月23日 星期四

English Kids Radio 97.2

English Kids Radio 97上 No.2 By Joyce

Music 檔案 學校提供
1.1 檔案
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and all students of Dung Shin Elementary school. Nice to meet you on the air again. We are back in today’s program with 2 more students to share something with you again. I hope you will like it! 小朋友們午安,很高興又和大家碰面囉!在今天的節目中,Joyce老師邀請到兩位四年級的小朋友,和大家分享萬聖節的兩首短詩,請慢慢欣賞哦!

Music 檔案 學校提供

Story Time
1.2 檔案
Joyce: Halloween is one of the favorite holidays for both children and adults in North America. On the night of October 31, families decorate their homes with carved pumpkins called jack-o-lanterns. Children dress up like ghosts, monsters, witches and even storybook princesses and famous heroes. They go from house to house in their neighborhood knocking on doors and shouting, “Trick or treat!” to receive candy and sweets.

Halloween is actually a very old holiday that has changed a lot since it was first celebrated. A long time ago people in Europe celebrated the end of summer and the beginning of the new year on October 31. They believed that on this day the spirits of the people who died that year could walk the Earth again. People would dress up in costumes and parade around their village making lots of noise. They wanted to scare away the evil ghosts and spirits.

在北美,萬聖節是一個十分受到大人和小孩們所喜愛的重要節慶之一。在每年10月31日,家家戶戶會用一種叫做”jack-o-lanterns”的雕刻南瓜裝飾自己的家。孩子們會把自己打扮成鬼、怪獸、巫婆,甚至是童話故事裡面的公主或是有名的大英雄。他們會一起挨家挨戶的敲著鄰居的大門並大叫:Trick or treat! 希望能藉此獲得一些糖果或點心。

Music trick or treat (康軒第25首) 放兩遍

VIP Show Time
1.3 檔案57, 60
401 Dave and Wendy recite two poems for everyone.
Song Time 檔案 Halloween, Halloween Blues (何嘉仁第1, 3首) 各兩遍
1.4 檔案
Joyce: Hope you have enjoyed today’s program. Be ready for our program next time. Next up are two nice songs about Halloween. Stay cool and study hard. Bye-bye! 你們喜歡今天的節目嗎?不要忘記下次我們見面的時間哦!接下來Joyce老師要為你們播放兩首萬聖節的歌曲,非常好聽哦,請你們慢慢欣賞吧!

