2008年10月23日 星期四

English Kids Radio 97.1

English Kids Radio 97上 no.1 By Joyce

Music 檔案 學校提供
1.1 檔案V053
Ladies and gentlemen, all the students of Dung Shin Elementary school. I am your English teacher, Joyce. It’s so exciting to meet you guys on the air. In today’s program, our student reporter will introduce one new teacher in our school. I hope you will enjoy today’s program, just sit back and relax. 小朋友們午安,我是Joyce老師,很高興又和你們見面囉。在今天的節目中,我們的學生特派記者Vence會介紹一位新老師讓你們認識,要仔細聽哦,請慢慢欣賞!

Music 檔案 學校提供
VIP Show Time
1.2 檔案V051
Hi, I am Vence from grade 5……

1.3 檔案V052
Vence and Alex’s conversation.

1.4 檔案V054
Joyce: I have two songs on hand for you, after listening I want grade 5 students to vote for which is your favorite song. Joyce老師準備了兩首好聽的歌,在小朋友聽完之後,請所有五年級的小朋友票選出你們心目中最喜歡的一首,作為你們全年級一起學習的歌曲哦!
1.5 檔案 兩首歌曲
Song 1: YMCA
Song 2: Shalala Lala

Question Time
1.6 檔案V055
Joyce: I hope you all like today’s program; don’t forget your appointment with us on Monday and Thursday. Have a beautiful day, good bye! 五年級的小朋友們記得把你的選票投到英語信箱中哦!祝你們有個愉快的午餐時間!

